S end Messages
Me n u
Messa ges
You can compose a new message or reply to existi ng messages in the list.
C on tacts
Me n u
Ph oneb ook
Use Phonebook to add and manage your contacts . You can save contacts
to your phonebook and retrieve it anytime for calling, SMS etc .
N otable Multimedia Features
Me n u
You can use various multimedia features from here such as Camera,
Image Viewer, Video recorder/player, Music player, Sound Recorder, and
FM radio.
C am era
Me n u
Multimed ia
Your phone comes with rear camera and supports video recording. You
need to insert a memory card to use the camera.
S ound Recorder
Me n u
So und recorder
Record any sound from the sound recorder with ease. Ope n the sound
recorder, press the Left key and select Ne w r ecord to start a new
FM R adio
Me n u
Multimed ia
FM radio
You can listen to your favorite FM channels using the inbuilt FM receiver
of your phone.