RM – 26-10-7707 Rev.
iv) If necessary, to temporarily ‘Hold’ parts in place, for example the dummy half keys,
petroleum jelly can be used.
(1) The ‘Earmuff’ portion of the vane seal cap is the ONLY portion of the seal which should
‘Stick’ in the corresponding vane groove. The rest of the vane seal cap should be free
to float in the shaft groove.
g) “Dummy Head” (SK-4312), “Dummy Dowels” (A010152), Bolts (26-12-0141) Tools:
i) Refer to Section 6 to assemble without using
assembly tools.
ii) Check both sides of Body at the edge of the internal
bore to the outer wall and ensure there are no burrs,
nicks, or other defects. This edge
SHARP and without any radius or chamfers.
(1) If this edge is rounded or damaged in any way,
the performance of the actuator will be
significantly degraded.
iii) Orientation of Body:
(1) Lay the Body onto a flat surface as shown in
“Orientation of Body” image. The head dowel
hole on the right side should be lower than the head dowel hole on the left side.
iv) Place Dummy Head on top of body and line up the
two opposing dowel holes.
v) Insert BOTH Dummy Dowels through the head into
the Dummy Head to align the two parts.
vi) Install both SHCS Bolts (1/2”-13 UNC) through the
clearance holes in the Dummy Head and into the
threaded holes in the Body to fasten Dummy Head
onto actuator Body.
vii) Remove Dummy Dowels.
viii) Flip the assembly of the Body and Dummy Head
over such that the Dummy Head is on a flat surface.
h) Shoe Seal and Cushion Installation:
i) Ensure shoe seal groove is free of any burrs,
nicks, or contamination.
ii) Install the shoe seal cushion and shoe seal cap
into the seal grove.
iii) Assembly grease like petroleum jelly can be used
to hold the seal in place
iv) Lubricate the shoe seal cap and the ID of the body
(Item #1).
v) Insert the vane seal cushion and "C" shaped shaft
vane seal cap in the vane seal groove.
vi) Apply assembly grease (Petroleum Jelly) as
necessary to hold the seals in position.
i) Vane Seal Protector Tool (SK-4318):