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MICRODYN BIO-CEL XS-1 Pilot Plant Manual // Revision: A // Date: Jul. 25, 2018
Before the start-up the instructions of the
Operation and Maintenance
are to be adhered imperatively. For start-up a supervisor of MICRODYN-NADIR is
recommended onsite.
1. Connect electricity
2. Fasten all screw connections of pipes
3. Check, whether the hand valves are easy to move, and control the valve positions
Start-up with clean water
In starting-up with clean water all components are tested with respect to functionality. Leakages
must be eliminated, and program parameters may be corrected.
1. Fill clean water into the filtration tank up to the overflow (in ideal case let the water
overflow continuously).
2. Fill clean water into the permeate tank, permeate piping will be filled as well.
3. Open manual valves V7, V9, V10, V11
4. Switch on panel
5. All electronically controlled actuators/sensors have to be checked in manual operation
(see instruction manual for the plant control)
a) Check the pump performance (never run pump with closed V7 and/or V9)
b) Check the blower performance (adjust V10 and V11 in a way to achieve
air flow)
Air flow to diffuser must not exceed 6 Nm
/h. Too high air flow can cause
irrevocable damage of diffuser.
Notice: In the beginning increased foaming will be noticed, due to the stabilizing agent on the
membranes. Thus, during the start-up procedure, the filtration tank should once be emptied
completely and refilled with water to wash out the stabilizer.
Start-up with aerated sludge
Before the plant can be operated in the automatic mode, all fault messages and the
communication with external components (e.g. with a feed pump) must be checked.
Feed flow and effluent flow must be checked.
The permeate pipe must be de-aerated often during the first filtration cycles, until all air has
passed from the system.
At the beginning of the pilot phase the plant is operated with aerated sludge without sludge
discharge to achieve the designated TSS concentration of about 10-12 g/l as possible fast. The
age of the seed sludge should be at least 5 days.