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MICRODYN BIO-CEL XS-1 Pilot Plant Manual // Revision: A // Date: Jul. 25, 2018
During filtration permeate is sucked through the membranes. After regular and well-defined
periods of time a so-called periodical backwashing is made to keep the membrane surface free
of deposits. In doing so, the permeate pump delivers permeate against the filtration direction.
There is always a relaxation period between the two modes of filtration and backwashing. This
period is called relaxation phase. Usually, in longer, regular time delays the permeate pipe is de-
aerated. Due to the arrangement of the permeate tank, de-aeration is not necessary in this
special case. Cleaning procedures are carried out after definite periods of times to maintain the
membrane permeability. The exact description and the operation principle of the MICRODYN
XS-1 modules are to be taken from the BIO-CEL operation and maintenance manual.
The plant is controlled via the integrated touch panel at the switch cabinet. A detailed description
is given in chapter 7.
Connections and Interfaces
Waste water/ sludge supply
The pilot plant may be operated with aerated sludge from a biological cleaning facility (e.g. a
waste water treatment plant) or with raw waste water (after mechanical pre-treatment).
The leaser/operator will use his own pump or feed supply (e.g. by means of controlling the valve
via level differences). The feed pipe from the feed source to the connector at the pilot plant is
supplied by the leaser/operator.
Clean water supply
The MBR pilot plant must be provided with clean water. The leaser/operator has to make sure
that clean water is supplied to the plant, because it is needed for intensive cleaning as well as
for the start-up and shut-down procedures.
Permeate discharge
The cleaned waste water (permeate) is discharged from the plant in free fall.
The drain pipe from its connection to the pilot plant to the suitable terminal reservoir is provided
by the leaser/operator. The proper and professional discharge and disposal has to be warranted
by the operating company.
Filtration tank overflow
The pilot plant is equipped with an emergency overflow of the filtration tank. This overflow must
be connected to the drain or to the waste water feed tank.
Surplus sludge
Surplus sludge is discharged by a manual valve (V6) near the bottom of the filtration tank. The
drain pipe from this connection to a suitable terminal reservoir is provided by the leaser/operator.
The proper and professional discharge and disposal has to be warranted by the operating
Power supply/emergency shutdown
Electric power is supplied via a main high-voltage lead (16A), and an appropriate electrical
connection must be provided by the leaser/operator.