Figure 1-4. Bluetooth Low Energy Peripheral Application Flowchart
The user application must be non-blocking to ensure that the Bluetooth Low Energy events are
handled in time.
Hardware Prerequisites
kit. The ATBTLC1000ZR-XSTK kit is comprised of the
SAM L21 Xplained Pro (XPRO) and ATBTLC1000ZR XPRO extension board. The following sections
provide an overview of these kits and their features.
SAM L21 Xplained Pro
SAM L21 Xplained Pro evaluation kit is used to evaluate the ATSAML21J18B
microcontroller. This kit includes an on-board embedded debugger to program and debug
ATSAML21J18B. The kit also contains an on-board current measurement circuitry, which enables the
user to measure current profile over time, without any external tools. The connection with any Xplained
Pro modules or external component is possible through available external connectors, which makes the
board perfect for prototyping the low-power applications.
Getting Started
2017 Microchip Technology Inc.
Training Manual
DS00002599A-page 7