Creating the Project and Initializing
This chapter provides the process of creating an application startup project using Atmel Studio. Prior to
creating a project, the user must know hardware architecture and software requirements to configure
The hardware connection between the SAM L21 XPRO and the ATBTLC1000ZR XPRO board is
illustrated in following figure. This SAM L21 board is used as host MCU.
Figure 2-1. ATBTLC1000ZR Xpro Board Connection with SAM L21
design documentation.
Creating Project from ASF
Advanced Software Framework has a pre-configured Bluetooth Low Energy Startup template project that
includes Bluetooth Low Energy software API for Host and ATBTLC1000, and their peripheral driver
dependencies. This is used as starting project for any Bluetooth Low Energy project development.
To create the project, follow the steps below:
Search for the “BLE-Startup Template” from the
New Example Project from ASF
menu in Atmel
Creating the Project and Initializing
2017 Microchip Technology Inc.
Training Manual
DS00002599A-page 12