• SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3, SP4 (64-bit only)
To install the SmartPQI driver from source for SuSE OS images:
Build the driver from the source using the following command:
$ sudo su
You must have administrator privileges to perform the installation steps.
Install the following driver dependency packages and reboot the system if necessary:
# zypper install kernel-devel gcc make
Extract the driver source code from the
source tgz
file by using the following command:
# tar –jxvf smartpqi-1.1.2-125.tar.bz2
Compile the
file by using the following command:
# cd smartpqi-1.1.2
# make -f Makefile.alt
After the compilation you will get a smartpqi.ko driver file, which is the driver module.
Backup the already existing inbox driver.
# mv /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/scsi/smartpqi/smartpqi.ko \
/lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/scsi/smartpqi/smartpqi.ko.org
Copy the kernel driver file to the destination by using the following command:
# cp ./smartpqi.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/scsi/smartpqi
Use the following command to rebuild initramfs process with the newly installed smartpqi driver:
# mkinitrd -v –m smartpqi
SLES provides mkinitrd command to place the newly installed smartpqi.ko driver modules into the
initramfs file to include them in the Linux kernel.
Reboot the system to load the new initramfs, which will contain the newly installed smartpqi.ko driver.
Using the Installation DVD as the Repository
Follow the instructions in this section to install the packages required to compile the driver modules using the OS
installation DVD as the repository. In these procedures, the DVD is used as the package repository.
Installing Packages on a RHEL-based OS
The following steps install the packages required to compile the driver modules from source on a RHEL-based OS.
Execute the following command to become a super user to edit and make changes to various system files:
$ sudo -i
Super user rights are required to edit and make changes in various system files.
Get the name of the installation DVD entry in
directory. The DVD is visible as
. Use the
following command to list all the scsi devices on the system.
# lsscsi
Once the DVD name is confirmed, create a location to mount the DVD, for example:
# mkdir /media/iso
Mount the DVD to the
directory by using the following command:
/dev/srX /media/iso udf,iso9660 noauto,user,ro 0 0
Use the following command to mount the DVD, once the entry is placed in
# mount /dev/srX
Installing the SmartPQI Drivers from Source
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