Form Factor
PCIe Low-profile MD2
Bus compatibility
PCIe 3.0
PCIe bus width
Data transfer rate
12 Gb/s per port
Phys (Unified Serial Ports)
Standard memory
32 MB Boot Flash, 256 Kb SEEPROM, 128 KB MRAM
Connectors, internal
1x2 mini-SAS HD x8 (SFF-8643)
Maximum number of disk drives
8 direct-attached (or up to 256 with expanders)
Enclosure Support
SES 2.x/3.x inband support, TWI, IBPI and SGPIO
Thermal sensor
Inlet ambient temperature, ASIC die temperature, Top-side board
ambient temperature, Bottom-side board ambient temperature
About the Adaptec HBA 1100-4i
The Adaptec HBA 1100-4i is a SAS Host Bus Adapter with these features:
About Your Host Bus Adapter
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