Page 5 of 31. Version 1.03 September 2012
Microbee Premium Plus+ | Construction Manual
hobby knife in a twisting / digging way rather than trying to slice through the track. Now we
are ready to start placing the components onto the board.
3. Passive components
We shall start placing components by starting with the capacitors. There are only 5 different
types / values of capacitor on the board and they are as follows :
61 x 100nF bypass cap (supplied on a tape)
7 x 4.7uF 16v Tag Tantalum cap [Polarised], 2 x 4.7uF 25v Tag Tantalum cap [Polarised]
1 x 10nF cap (single, on tape)
1 x 47pF cap (single, on tape)
1 x 470uF 25v Electrolytic cap [Polarised]
You can do these in any order, but take care with the polarised components that you insert
them so that the ‘+’ marking on the component is on the same pin side as the ‘+’ marking
on the white component legend on the PCB. If these are inserted the wrong way around,
they can explode when power is applied.
Please refer to the ‘stuffing diagram’ below showing where each capacitor is to be placed.
With the components supplied on tape, it is easier to cut the legs of the components at the
edge of the tape rather than try to remove (unstick) them from the tape. This still leaves
enough component leg left to effectively solder them into the PCB and trim them once done.