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Appendix |ASCII Communication with Controller
confocalDT 24x1
A Reset the Detection of the First Marker Position
Reset the detection of the first reference marker position, see Chap.
(only pos-
sible with ENCREF ONE, otherwise the command returns immediately without an error
A Maximum Encoder Value
ENCMAX1 <Encoder value>
ENCMAX2 <Encoder value>
ENCMAX3 <Encoder value>
Specifies the maximum value of the encoder, after which the encoder returns to 0. Can
be used e.g. for rotary encoder without reference track.
The encoder value can be set between 0 and 2
A 5.3.6 Interfaces
A Ethernet IP Settings
IPCONFIG DHCP|STATIC [<IPAddress> [<Netmask> [<Gateway>]]]
Set Ethernet interface.
DHCP: IP address and gateway are automatically requested by DHCP. System looks for
a LinkLocal address after appr. 2 minutes if no DHCP server is available.
STATIC: Set IP address, net mask and gateway in format
Values stay the same if no IP address, net mask, and gateway is typed in.
A Setting for Ethernet Measured Value Transfering
[<IPAddress> [<Port>]])
The IFC24xx can be operated as a server as well as a client for measurement output via
NONE: No measurement transmission via Ethernet.
SERVER/TCP: Controller provides a server for the typed in port, under which the mea-
sured values can be sent. This is only possible via TCP/IP.
CLIENT/TCP: Controller sends measured values via TCP/IP connection oriented to
server. The specifying of the IP address and server port are required, see Chap.
CLIENT/UDP: Controller sends measured values via UDP/IP connectionless to server.
Therefore the IP address and the server port are specified.
IPAddress: IP address of the server, to which measured values are sent when in client-
mode, (only valid for CLIENT/TCP or CLIENT/UDP).
Port: Port, to which the server gets assigned to in server-mode or to which the mea-
sured values are sent in client-mode (min: 1024, max: 65535).
Commands are expected at port 23, the data port is factory-set to 1024.
A Setting RS422 Baud Rate
BAUDRATE <Baudrate>
Adjustable baud rates in examples:
9600, 115200, 230400, 460800, 691200, 921600, 1500000, 2000000, 2500000, 3000000,
3500000, 4000000
A Change Ethernet / EtherCAT
Select whether the controller starts with Ethernet or EtherCAT mode. The setting is active
after save and reboot the controller only.