HOM-SERIES Hot Water Heater module Operator's Manual
1. If the burner switch is still on, turn it off.
2. Squeeze the trigger and discharge the water for a period of three minutes
to cool the heat exchanger and high pressure hose. (Insufficient cool down
period of the high pressure hose will cause excessive wear and eventual
rupturing of the hose.)
3. Turn off the water supply to the heater module.
4. Trigger the gun momentarily to relieve trapped pressure.
risK Of Burn!
tHe Water temperature
c O u l d B e c O m e V e rY
HOt during HOt Water
OperatiOn. Be cautiOus
WHen adJusting pressure
Or cOntrOlling tHe trigger
gun/lance assemBlY.
WHen cOld Water is Being
pumped intO tHe Heat
eXcHanger and tHe Burner
is On, cOndensatiOn maY fOrm
On tHe cOil and drip. tHis
Will giVe tHe appearance Of
a leaKing cOil particularlY
in cOld Humid WeatHer.
Operating instructiOns
Once your unit has been installed by a qualified serviceman and you have
completed the PRE-OPERATION CHECKLIST on pg. 13, you are ready for
operation. The following steps will help you operate your machine safely.
flusHing tHe sYstem:
1. This unit has a steel coil which, after setting, will cause the water remaining
in the coil from the previous usage to turn brown or black. This water must
be flushed from the system before start-up. This procedure should be
a gun and lance installed.
a. Attach garden hose to machine.
b. Turn on water supply.
c. Run the water for 3-5 minutes.
d. Turn off water supply when clear water is discharged from coil.
HOt Water OperatiOn:
1. Push in the burner switch to turn on the burner. On initial start-up, water
will begin turning hot in approximately 60 seconds and will reach maximum
temperature in approximately 3 minutes, provided the trigger remains
squeezed. The burner will stop firing when the trigger is released.
2. Set thermostat to the desired setting.
At this point, the unit is operating as a hot water heater module. Be certain to
be extremely cautious when adjusting the pressure and controlling the trigger
gun/lance assembly to avoid the possibility of burns.
risK Of unit damage!
Be certain tHe gun &
l a n c e a s s e m B lY a r e
nOt cOnnected tO tHe
unit WHile flusHing tHe
sYstem. flusHing allOWs
mineral depOsits tO Be
released frOm tHe sYstem
WHicH WOuld OBstruct
Or damage tHe gun and
nOZZle assemBlY resulting
in cOstlY repairs.