HOM-SERIES Hot Water Heater module Operator's Manual
1. Before starting the unit, perform the following procedures:
a. Check all hose connections to ensure they are securely tightened.
b. Inspect for system water and oil leaks.
c. Check to ensure the voltage is on.
d. Inspect high pressure hoses for kinking, cuts and leaks. If a cut or leak
is found, DO NOT USE HOSE! Replace hose before starting unit. See
"Risk of Injection" warnings, pg. 7. Be sure that all damaged parts are
replaced and that the mechanical problems are corrected prior to opera-
tion of the unit. If you require service, contact your Customer Service
pre-start inspectiOn prOcedures:
Proper attire is essential to your safety. It is advised to utilize whatever means
necessary to protect eyes, ears, and skin. Additional safety attire (such as
respiratory mask) may be required when using detergent cleaning agents with
this heater module.