HOM-SERIES Hot Water Heater module Operator's Manual
Congratulations on the purchase of your new HOM-SERIES Heater Module! You can be assured your heater module
was constructed and designed with quality and performance in mind. Each component has been rigorously tested to
ensure the highest level of acceptance.
This operator's manual was compiled for your benefit. By reading and following the simple safety, installation, operation,
maintenance and troubleshooting steps described in this manual, you will receive years of trouble free operation from
your new heater module. The contents of this manual are based on the latest product information available at the time
of publication. The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes in price, color, materials, equipment, specifications
or models at any time without notice.
! impOrtant !
these paragraphs are surrounded by a "safetY alert BOX." this box is used to designate
and emphasize safety Warnings that must be followed when operating this heater module.
accompanying the safety Warnings are "signal words" which designate the degree or level
of hazard seriousness. the "signal words" used in this manual are as follows:
indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
Will result in death or serious injury.
indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
cOuld result in death or serious injury.
indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided maY
result in minor or moderate injury.
the symbols set to the left of this paragraph are "safety alert symbols." these symbols
are used to call attention to items or procedures that could be dangerous to you or other
persons using this equipment.
alWaYs prOVide a cOpY Of tHis manual tO anYOne using tHis eQuipment. read
all instructiOns BefOre Operating tHis Heater mOdule and especiallY pOint
Out tHe "safetY Warnings" tO preVent tHe pOssiBilitY Of persOnal inJurY tO
tHe OperatOr.
Once the unit has been removed from the box, immediately write in the serial number of your unit in the space provided
serial numBer_________________________________
Inspect for signs of obvious or concealed freight damage. If damage does exist, file a claim with the transportation
company immediately. Be sure that all damaged parts are replaced and that the mechanical and electrical problems
are corrected prior to operation of the unit. If you require service, contact your customer service.
Please have the following information available for all service calls:
Model Number
Serial Number
Date and Place of Purchase