WDV Series Gas Fireplace
using the Mounting Base
The transmitter comes with a mounting base which allows
you to hang the transmitter on the wall.
1. Secure the mounting base
on the wall with supplied
screws. For best viewing
angle, make it the same
height as your eyes.
2. Hang the transmitter on the
hook of the mounting base,
then push down so the
transmitter is flush to the
mounting base.
mounting base
1. Battery icon on LCD on transmitter
1. Low Battery
1. Replace batteries. Change batteries
every 6 months.
2. LCD display is blank
2. Check battery installation or replace
3. LCD display shows “funny” display
3. Reset the transmitter (see “Resetting
the Transmitter” section).
4. Appliance does not come on
2. The transmitter did not match
1. Make sure the transmitter has
with the receiver
learned to the receiver.
3. Transmitter measures temp-
1. Move transmitter to a cooler place
erature exceeding 99 degrees
and wait until temperature drops
Fahrenheit and shows “HI” on
below 99 degrees.
4. Distance between the transmitter
1. Make sure the opening distance is
and receiver is more than 30 feet
less than 30 feet.
5. Blower is not on after the fireplace is
5. Blower setting is off
1. Press FAN key to select Fan speed
turned on
you desire.
6. Blower delay setting is set too
1. Press and hold FAN key to set
desired ON/OFF delays. This is done
in minutes.
Figure 55
tOuch screen reMOte cOntrOl OperatIOn