WDV Series Gas Fireplace
stOne & Glass placeMent
stOne & Glass placeMent
1. For best results, spread glass evenly over the entire floor and burner making sure the glass
is not too heavy over the burner ports (single layer only). Keep rear vent area open to allow
air to circulate under the stones.
Figure 40
2. Place the stones randomly in front of and behind the burner ports.
cautIOn: Do not allow
stones to sit directly on burner ports or in flame.
Figure 40
3. Turn burner on and adjust glass over the ported area to achieve an even, clean flame.
41, Figure 57
4. Replace glass frame and access door in reverse order of removal.
Glass Only placeMent
Two (2) bags of glass are supplied with the 500 Series fireplaces. Both bags should be
used to cover the entire floor and burner. Three (3) bags of glass are supplied with the 600 Series
fireplaces. It is not necessary to use the entire 3rd bag of glass provided. Too much glass can
cut off the proper amount of air the burner needs to burn clean. This may cause sooting.
1. Spread glass evenly in one layer over the entire floor and burner. It is important to not have
the glass too heavy on ported area (single layer only). Keep rear vent area open to allow air
to circulate for a clean flame and appearance.
2. Turn burner on and adjust glass over ported
ares to achieve an clean flame.
3. Replace glass frame and access door in
reverse order of removal.
Figure 40 -
Stone Placement
stone placement
Firebox Perimeter
Burner Surface
Rear Vent
Example of Stone
rock and stone place