SupeRAC – 2F
For Models 93 to 405
8 ©MHS Boilers 29/05/2013
Handling / Scope of Supply
All models are supplied with the control panel, insulating blankets, ceramic fibre packing
material (for sealing around the burner blast tube), and documentation packed inside the
combustion chamber. The casing, and burner assembly are supplied in separate cartons.
SupeRAC 2F boilers are equipped with lifting eyes to assist with the moving and handling of
the boiler body
The location chosen for the installation of the boiler/s must be flat and level to facilitate
correct alignment of connections and must be capable of supporting the units when full of
The floor or plinth must be fireproof in accordance with BS 6644.
The plant-room must have sufficient space for the installation of the boilers, associated
pipework, pumps, controls, flues, ventilation and with due allowance to access and servicing
of other pieces of equipment.
Adequate space must be provided around the boiler to allow the removal of the
burner and opening of the combustion chamber door
“see clearances”.
Combustion chamber door opening and adjustment
The boiler is supplied with the door opening front left to right on all models but it is possible
to reverse this if required.
To open the door, remove the fixing nuts from the left hand side.
To reverse the direction of opening of the combustion chamber door it will be
necessary due to the size and weight of door to utilise lifting gear.
Attach lifting gear via the two holes in the upper part of the door assembly.
Remove the 4 door retaining nuts
Carefully remove the door assembly and set to one side
Remove the jam nuts from the tie rods on the left hand side and transfer them
to the rods at the right hand side (positioning them approximately the same as
when on the left hand ties rods).
Carefully offer up the door assembly and remount onto the tie rods and retain
using previously removed nuts. Release and remove any lifting
To adjust and tighten the door:
Slightly slacken back the jam nuts.
Tighten the door evenly onto the front of the boiler body using the door
retaining nuts/capstans to form a gas tight seal.