SupeRAC – 2F
For Models 93 to 405
5 ©MHS Boilers 29/05/2013
Sufficient space must be allowed as necessary at the rear of the boiler for connection of the
flue components and access to the flue collector hood clean-out port.
A minimum of 450mm must be allowed at either side of the boiler/s with attention being paid
to the space required to fully open the combustion chamber door with the burner mounted
upon it
Clearance at the front of the boiler must allow for cleaning of the flue tubes which run
horizontally for the entire length of the boiler minus the thickness of the combustion chamber
door and the depth of the flue collector hood. The clearance required at the front, measured
from the front of the boiler body (excluding the door) must not be less than dimension B1 in
the tables listed in the Techbical Data section of this manual.
General regulations
This documentation contains important information, which is a base for safe and reliable
installation, commissioning and operation of the SupeRac 2F. Boiler. All activities described
in this document may only be executed by authorized companies.
Changes to this document may be effected without prior notice. We accept no obligation to
adapt previously delivered products to incorporate such changes.
Only original spare parts may be used when replacing components on the boiler, otherwise
warranty will be void.
The SupeRac 2F Boiler may be used for heating and hot water production purposes only.
The boiler should be connected to closed systems with a maximum temperature of 100ºC
(high limit temperature); maximum set point temperature is 90ºC.
Norms and regulations
When installing and operating the boiler, all applicable norms (European and local) should
be fulfilled:
• Local Building regulations for installing combustion air and flue gas systems;
• Regulation for connecting the boiler to the electrical appliance;
• Regulations for connecting the boiler to the local gas network;
• Norms and regulations according to safety equipment for heating systems;
• Any additional local laws/regulations with regard to installing and operating heating
− 92 / 42 / EEC Boiler efficiency directive − 90 / 396 / EEC Gas appliance directive −
73 / 23/ EEC Low voltage directive − 89 / 336 / EEC EMC directive
− EN 656 Gas-fired central heating boilers – Type B boilers of nominal heat input exceeding
70 kW but not exceeding 300 kW
− EN 15420 Gas-fired central heating boilers - Type C boilers of nominal heat input
exceeding 70 kW, but not exceeding 1000 kW
− EN 15417 Gas-fired central heating boilers - Specific requirements for condensing boilers
with a nominal heat input greater than 70 kW but not exceeding 1000 kW
− EN 13836 Gas fired central heating boilers - Type B boilers of nominal heat input
exceeding 300 kW, but not exceeding 1000 kW