SupeRAC – 2F
For Models 93 to 405
11 ©MHS Boilers 29/05/2013
Fig 1
Flue system
SupeRAC Boilers are suitable for open flue type installations B23 taking air for combustion
from the room in which it is installed; the boiler plant room must be suitably ventilated.
The flue pipe and components serving the SupeRAC boiler must be suitable for working
temperatures of not less than 250°C and should be thermally insulated.
The route of the flue short be as short as possible and sized appropriately to ensure
complete evacuation of combustion gases without causing excessive back pressure.
The flue should generate sufficient draught to overcome its own resistance with a minimum
negative draught at the boiler flue connection in the order of 10
– 30Pa.
If the draught generated in the flue is likely to exceed 30Pa, then a suitable draught stabiliser
should be installed locally to the flue connection at the boiler.
The flue installation should comply with the requirements of the
Clean Air Act 1956, BS 6644, BS5440 and IGE/UP/10 as applicable.