MGL Avionics Stratomaster Ultra Horizon XL Owner’s manual
Page 7
Panels may be designed on the Ultra itself or using a Microsoft Windows based panel design
program available for free download from
Two Ultra panels may be connected to each other in a cockpit allowing Pilot/Co-Pilot displays
providing redundancy in case of failure.
The Ultra Horizon XL can be connected to the following sensor sources:
RDAC A four channel thermocouple engine monitor
RDAC B twelve channel thermocouple engine monitor
RDAC C four channel thermocouple engine monitor with manifold pressure sensor
RDAC D twelve channel thermocouple engine monitor with manifold pressure sensor
SP-1 two-axis magnetic compass.
SP-2 three axis, tilt compensated magnetic compass.
SP-3h horizon / turn&bank sensor.
SP-3hc AHRS (attitude and heading reference system) , includes a three axis tilt
compensated magnetic compass.
Details on either of the above can be found in the relevant manuals. Please browse the MGL
Avionics website
for detailed information on these sensor packages.
Most civil aviation authorities permit installation of the Ultra instrument as a secondary
instrument on certified aircraft. Please ensure that you obtain the required permits or STCs
before operating this instrument on a certified aircraft.
The Stratomaster Ultra has been designed with the following objectives in mind:
a) Provide a cost effective solution for a complete instrumentation system for small aircraft.
b) Provide instrumentation with uncompromising accuracy and range.
c) Provide a display unit with a shape and form factor suitable for installation into most small
aircraft panels and pods.
d) Provide a display with the best possible viewing qualities over a wide temperature range,
taking into account operation in bright sunlight as well as low light conditions.
e) Provide a system that offers long term stability and reliability with specific attention to low and
medium frequency mechanical vibrations and shock loads such as when taxing a light aircraft
on rough ground.
Provide a system that is easy to install and that maintains its usefulness should a different
type of engine be installed in the aircraft.
The objectives have been achieved using the latest available embedded processing devices,
which result in a drastic reduction of the amount of individual components required. This has
a direct effect on improving reliability and reducing EMI (Electromagnetic interference), long a
bane of digital systems.
Should you be using a RDAC X engine monitoring system, please refer to the manual that
was included with your RDAC for specific installation instructions.