MGL Avionics Stratomaster Ultra Horizon XL Owner’s manual
Page 11
Airspeed indicator
Range 0-250 mph (402 Kph or 217 Knots), 1 mph (1 Kph or 1 Knot) resolution. Theoretical
accuracy 1% at 20 degrees C (68 degrees F), subject to installation of pitot tube and airflow
pattern around aircraft.
Range +/- 9 990 ft. (3 045 m) Resolution truncated to 10 ft/minute (5cm per second).
Internally 1 ft/minute. Ac/-5 %, Please note: The VSI is compensated for altitude.
Minimum display resolution is as low as 10 ft/min (5cm per second) with a +/-2 000 ft (610 m)
maximum reading.
Technical specifications RDAC
Rev counter
Range 0 to 9 999 revs. Resolution is dependant on rev counter setup in instrument.
Accuracy: +/- 0.0005% + resolution.
Fuel flow sender input
Accuracy of measurement is +/-0.05% subject to accuracy of fuel flow sender used. Example
sender is MGL Avionics dual range fuel flow sender: +/- 3% uncalibrated, typically less than
1% calibrated.
Fuel level sender inputs
Intended for use with resistive fuel level probes. Can be used with most capacitive type
probes as well.
Input consists of a 1000 ohm pullup resistor to a 5VDC source.
Measurement accuracy of input: +/-2%. Overall measurement accuracy of fuel level is subject
to quality and installation of chosen fuel level sender as well as complexity and form of tank
Using the prescribed calibration procedure we find we can calibrate within 5% of actual level
for most tank shapes.
Oil pressure sender input
1500 ohm pullup resistor to 5VDC source. For use with typical VDO and similar resistive oil
pressure senders. Supports senders that increase resistance with pressure as well as
senders that decrease resistance with pressure. Supports resistance ranges from 50 to 1000
ohms full range.
NTC temperature sender inputs
Measurement ac/- 2% subject to accuracy of sender. Note: Senders are
manufactured with a tolerance of up to +/- 20%.
Thermocouple temperature sender inputs
Measurement ac/- 1%. The thermocouple amplifier system used is highly stable and
long-term drift elimination is achieved by using a chopper stabilized system. The system