It is recommended that all Metro freestanding wood fires be installed
with the energy efficient ECO Flue System which comes complete with a
detailed installation manual. This installation manual must be presented
with your application to gain consent with your local council.
A copy of the ECO Flue System installation manual can be downloaded
from metrofires.co.nz, or a copy can be obtained from your Metro retailer.
Any alternative flue system must comply with and be installed as detailed
in AS/NZS2918:2001, and a copy of the installation manual must also be
presented with your application to gain consent with your local council.
All Metro fires require a 150mm diameter flue. Please note:
• Metro ECO flue systems must be installed to allow unrestricted air
supply from either the ceiling cavity for an ECO Flue Kit, or above the
roof line if the ECO Flue Kit and ECO Option Kits are both installed
• The ECO Flue system must be installed into a ‘vented’ flat ceiling cavity,
or have an ECO Option Kit added to the flue system to provide an
external air supply
• ECO Flue systems shall be installed in accordance with
AS/NZS2918:2001 and the appropriate requirements of the relevant
building codes
• Any modification to this flue system that has not been approved in
writing by the testing authority is considered to be in breach of all
approvals granted
• The flue systems 150mm diameter flue pipe must terminate a
minimum of 4.6 metres above the top surface of the floor protector
• All joints in the flue pipe must be sealed with Pioneer fire cement (or
similar) and riveted. The base of the flue pipe must also be sealed into
the Metro fires flue outlet. This is critical for optimum operation.
All Metro fires have been tested with a Pioneer double flue shield. For the
Metro fire to be installed with minimal clearances as the clearance table on
page 7 states, only the Pioneer double flue shield can be used. All other
flue shields will invalidate the installation.
Flue installation
Flat Cavity Ceiling
ECO Flue Kit only required as air is drawn into
the flue system direct from the ceiling cavity.
Sloping Ceiling
Both the ECO Flue Kit and ECO Option Kit are
required to enable air to be drawn from outside
the home.
Flat Ceiling/Roof
Requires both ECO Flue Kit and ECO Option Kit
as per sloping ceiling unless a vented ceiling
cavity exists.
2nd Floor - Exposed Flue pipe
Requires an ECO Flue Kit only with
additional lengths of flue pipe.
Additional components below are not
supplied by Metrofires but are also
required for this installation*
• A floor penetration kit
• 1x 1200mm long mesh/screen
*In accordance with AS/NZS2918:2001
2nd Floor - Enclosed Flue pipe
Requires an ECO Flue Kit only with
additional lengths of flue pipe.
Additional components below are not
supplied by Metrofires but are also
required for this installation*
• 200mm & 250mm inner/outer
combination liners.
• 2nd floor vent cover and an additional
ceiling plate with a 250mm diameter hole
*In accordance with AS/NZS2918:2001
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Single Storey Installations
Two Storey Installations
Detailed below are the more common installation methods for installing Metro ECO Flue Systems. To ensure a safe and efficient installation, this flue system must
be installed as detailed below by either a registered installer, or someone competent in installing solid fuel appliances.
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