Pioneer manufacture an extensive range of Pioneer ‘Ash Floor Protectors’
which comply with the minimum floor protector requirements of
AS/NZS2918:2001, and can be installed with any freestanding Metro
wood fire. Metro freestanding wood fires do not require an insulated floor
protector as they comply with the minimum floor protector requirements of
AS/NZS2918:2001. These minimum floor protector requirements are;
• They must be of adequate size to give appropriate wall, rear and front
clearances/projections as detailed below and in the chart illustrated on
page 7. Note;
• The floor protector must extend 200mm horizontally to the rear and
each side directly below the door opening, and 300mm forward of the
door opening
• The upper surface of the floor protector must be made of non-
combustible material.
A suitable floor protector for a Metro freestanding wood fire is therefore any
non-combustible material which could include;
• Ceramic tiles with grouted joints fixed directly to a hard base over
timber flooring
• A sheet of toughened glass, panel steel etc. laid directly onto a wooden
or other combustible floor.
Metro radiant fires
Lift the Metro fire onto the floor protector and using a suitable measuring
device, ensure that the minimum wall clearances and front floor protector
projections as detailed in the chart on page 7 are met or exceeded.
Once the Metro’s location on the floor protector is established and if the
installation is within New Zealand, seismic restraint is required.
Using masonry anchors if the floor protector is on a concrete floor or coach
bolts if a wooden floor, secure through the holes provided at the base,
behind both rear legs.
Note: The anchors must pass through the floor protector and securely
anchor the Metro to the floor.
Metro pedestal and base model fires
Prior to lifting the Metro fire onto the floor protector, ensure you have
removed, rotated and re-assembled the mount plate from the back of the
pedestal base as detailed in diagrams 3 & 3A above
This rear panel must
be rotated with the return fold facing back the opposite way to create the
mount plate and fixing points for seismic restraint of the wood fire.
Lift the Metro fire onto the floor protector and using a suitable measuring
device, ensure that the minimum wall clearances and front floor protector
projections as detailed in the chart on page 7 are met or exceeded.
Once the location of the fire is established, you can then secure the Metro
through the floor protector into the floor using the two seismic restraint
holes in the rear edge of the mount plate. Use masonry anchors if the floor
protector is on a concrete floor or coach bolts if a wooden floor
Note: The anchors must pass through the floor protector and securely
anchor the Metro to the floor.
Floor protector size, construction and fitting
Correct mount plate position
Diagram 3
Diagram 3A
Remove the four screws
from the pedestal base and
rotate the mount plate so
the return fold faces back
the other way. Refix in place.
Preparing the mount plate
Seismic restraint