Installation Guide
Auto-Negotiation Switch (AN)
Switches AN1 and AN2 control the use of auto-negotiation on their
respective copper ports. To enable auto-negotiation, push the lever UP.
To disable this function, push the lever DOWN. The default setting is
auto-negotiation enabled.
When a port has auto-negotiation enabled, it advertises 10/100Mbps and
full/half duplex capabilities when both its speed (100M) and duplex
(FD) switches are also enabled. These are the default settings on a
copper port. If the 100M switch is disabled, the port advertises only
10Mbps capability. If the FD switch is disabled, the port advertises only
half duplex.
When auto-negotiation is disabled, the port’s duplex is determined by
its FD switch setting and its speed is set by its 100M switch.
10/100Mbps Switch (100M)
Switches 100M1 and 100M2 control the speed setting for their respec-
tive copper ports. The speed setting determines which speed is adver-
tised when auto-negotiation is enabled. If auto-negotiation is disabled,
the port speed is the same as the switch setting, where UP is 100Mbps
and DOWN is 10Mbps.
When the 100M switch is UP, the port advertises 10/100Mbps capabil-
ity if auto-negotiation is enabled. This is the default setting. If auto-
negotiation is disabled, the port’s speed is set to 100Mbps.
When the 100M switch is DOWN, the port advertises only 10Mbps
capability if auto-negotiation is enabled. If auto-negotiation is disabled,
the port’s speed is set to 10Mbps.
Half/Full Duplex Switch (FD)
For copper ports with auto-negotiation disabled and all fiber optic ports,
switches FD1 and FD2 determine the duplex mode of their respective
ports. A port operates at full duplex when its FD switch is UP. It
operates at half duplex when its FD switch is DOWN. The default is
full duplex enabled (UP).
With auto-negotiation enabled on a copper port, the port advertises full/
half duplex capability when its FD switch is UP. The port advertises
only half duplex when its FD switch is DOWN.
Changes to the AN, 100M and FD switch settings only come into effect after the power-cycle