MI 3101 EurotestAT: Data handling
Memory organization
6 Data handling
6.1 Memory organization
The following data can be stored in instrument memory:
Auto sequence name, sequence, and function parameters,
Auto sequence and single test results with belonging parameters,
Installation structure with belonging data.
Stored data can be organized according to the installation structure of the tested object.
Measured results can be stored into corresponding location of the structure.
6.2 Installation data structure
This functionality helps to organize operation with data in a simple and effective manner.
The memory organization can be customized according to the actual structure of the
tested electrical installation.
Main benefits are:
Test results can be organized and grouped in a structured manner that equals the
structure of the tested electrical installation. If a test plan for verification of electrical
installation is prepared it is possible to organize the data structure according to it.
Each tested location place like room, floor, installation node, switchgear, etc. can be
reflected as its own location in memory.
Simple browsing through structure and results.
Test reports can be created with no or little modifications after downloading results
to a PC.
Test procedures can be prepared in advance on the PC and sent to the instrument.
A new installation structure can be built on the instrument
An existing structure can be upgraded on the instrument.
A name can be assigned to each location.
The data structure can be accessed and updated in each of the three main memory
menus (store, recall, clear memory), but also through tree structure view.
Basic view
Tree structure view
Figure 6.1: Example of data structure fields