Chapter 9
Appendix: System Errors
This appendix decribes the errors of Chapter 7.2.
In case of an error please check for the description of the error and the actions we recommend
to remove possible causes. In case this does not lead to a solution, please contact Messkonzept
and describe the circumstances that led to this error. Then will try to help by remote maintenance.
If the error persists we will ask you to send the FTC400back to Messkonzept. Please pay attention
to these points when sending the device:
• Close gas ports to keep gas duct clean. Preferably use black rubber caps that came with
• Put the device in a suitable shockproof packing material. Preferably use foam box that
came with delivery.
• Please attach a short note with a description of the problem or refer to prior mail correspon-
dece on this subject with Messkonzept.
Never open the housing of the FTC400. Warranty is void if the housing was opend.
The user cannot repair anything. Messkonzept may charge more for the repair if the housing is
opend. It is more work to check if the attempted repair by the user lead to further damages.
File name: Manual_FTC400_1.09KD181129CWI1V01.pdf