The 90XL meter is designed to be used by hemodialysis professionals to measure and display
readings of conductivity, temperature, pH, and pressure of the dialysate fluids used in
hemodialysis delivery systems.
The display module includes the LCD display as well as the user interface. It is used in
conjunction with specific measurement sensor modules that contain the appropriate sensor for
the desired measurement. The following sensor modules are currently available:
• Conductivity / temperature
• pH
• Pressure (Gauge or differential)
The multichannel LCD screen allows the display of up to 4 simultaneous readings from any
combination of sensor modules.
The 90XL timer function allows routine event timing.
Throughout this User’s Guide, the terms 90XL Instrumentation system and 90XL meter
are equivalent descriptors for this device.
The 90XL instrumentation system is intended for use by hemodialysis professionals to measure
the conductivity, temperature, pH, and pressure of the dialysate solution associated with
hemodialysis delivery systems. Water purification specialists may also use the 90XL meter to
verify proper characteristics of the water used in hemodialysis. These parameters are key
indicators of system performance that require periodic monitoring and adjusting to maintain safe
and effective hemodialysis systems.