Section 1 - Warranty
Page 19
The Star label will be affixed on the left side of the hull as shown.
a -
Recommended location
b -
Secondary location
One Star
Low emission
The one‑star label identifies personal watercraft, outboard, sterndrive and inboard engines that
meet the Air Resources Board's Personal Watercraft and Outboard marine engine 2001 exhaust
emission standards. Engines meeting these standards have 75% lower emissions than
conventional carbureted two‑stroke engines. These engines are equivalent to the U.S. EPAs 2006
standards for marine engines.
Two Stars
Very Low emission
The two‑star label identifies personal watercraft, outboard, sterndrive and inboard engines that
meet the Air Resources Board's Personal Watercraft and Outboard marine engine 2004 exhaust
emission standards. Engines meeting these standards have 20% lower emissions than One Star ‑
Low‑Emission engines.
Three Stars
Ultra Low emission
The three‑star label identifies engines that meet the Air Resources Board's Personal Watercraft
and Outboard marine engine 2008 exhaust emission standards or the sterndrive and inboard
marine engine 2003 exhaust emission standards. Engines meeting these standards have 65%
lower emissions than One Star ‑ Low Emission engines.
Four Stars
Super Ultra Low emission
The Four Star label identifies engines that meet the Air Resources Board's sterndrive and inboard
marine engine 2009 exhaust emission standards. Personal Watercraft and Outboard marine
engines may also comply with these standards. Engines meeting these standards have 90% lower
emissions than One Star ‑ Low Emission engines.
Hang Tag
The dealer must mark the appropriate box on one hang tag to match the Star label affixed to the boat. The dealer is responsible
for displaying the hang tag in a visible location on the boat on display in California. Failure to properly display the hang tag
could result in a citation and possible fine to the dealer from the California Air Resources Board.
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