Introduction ................................... 257
Saving/deleting the PIN for the
SIM card ........................................ 259
Settings ......................................... 259
SIM card mode .............................. 258
Text messages ............................... 260
Transferring the phone book .......... 259
Coolant .......................................... 200
Coolant (on-board computer,
Mercedes-AMG vehicles) ............... 213
Engine oil (on-board computer,
Mercedes-AMG vehicles) ............... 213
Outside temperature ...................... 199
Setting (climate control) ................ 125
Transmission oil (on-board com-
puter, Mercedes-AMG vehicles) ..... 213
Function/notes ............................. 159
Text messages
Telephone module with Blue-
(SAP profile) ....................... 260
Timing (RACETIMER) ......................... 213
TIREFIT kit .......................................... 290
Declaration of conformity ................ 26
Important safety notes .................. 290
Storage location ............................ 288
Tyre pressure not reached ............. 291
Tyre pressure reached ................... 292
Total distance recorder .................... 202
Tow-away protection
Activating ......................................... 75
Deactivating ..................................... 75
Function ........................................... 75
Emergency engine starting ............ 301
Important safety notes .................. 298
Important safety notes .................. 298
Transporting the vehicle ................ 300
With the rear axle raised ................ 300
Towing away
Fitting the towing eye .................... 299
Removing the towing eye ............... 299
With both axles on the ground ....... 300
Traffic Sign Assist
Activating/deactivating the warn-
ing function .................................... 207
Display message ............................ 232
Function/notes ............................. 191
Important safety notes .................. 192
Instrument cluster display ............. 192
Selector lever ................................ 141
see Automatic transmission
Transmission position display ......... 142
Transporting the vehicle .................. 300
Trip computer (on-board com-
puter) .................................................. 202
Trip meter
Calling up ....................................... 202
Resetting (on-board computer) ...... 203
Turn signals
Switching on/off ........................... 115
Operating (on-board computer) ..... 205
see Separate operating instructions
Two-way radio
Frequencies ................................... 320
Installation ..................................... 320
Transmission output (maximum) .... 320
Type identification plate
see Vehicle identification plate
Tyre changing tool kit ....................... 288
Tyre inflation compressor
see TIREFIT kit
Tyre pressure
Calling up (on-board computer) ..... 309
Display message ............................ 237
Not reached (TIREFIT) .................... 291
Reached (TIREFIT) .......................... 292
Recommended ............................... 307
Tyre pressure loss warning
General notes ................................ 308
Important safety notes .................. 309
Restarting ...................................... 309
Tyre pressure monitor
Checking the tyre pressure elec-
tronically ........................................ 310
Function/notes ............................. 309
General notes ................................ 309
Important safety notes .................. 310