The refl ectors fi tted to your bicycle are not only an impor-
tant safety feature, but a legal necessity as well. Your bi-
cycle should come equipped with one white (front), one red
(rear), and two orange (wheel) refl ectors. Each pedal should
also have two orange refl ectors fi tted.
As a part of your bicycle maintenance ensure that all refl ec-
tors are clean, intact and securely fastened. The front and
rear refl ectors should be vertically aligned, and the wheel
refl ectors should be secured opposite the valve within
75mm of the rim.
To install a chain on a derailleur geared bicycle:
• Thread the chain around the chainwheel, rear sprocket
and derailleur cage with the rivet facing away from the
• Bring the two ends together within the special tool and
punch the rivet into place. Take care not to push rivet
too far through the side plate. Derailleur geared bicycles
can now be fi tted with some new types of chains that do
not require special tools to remove or replace. Instead,
a new, special, disposable connecting link is used every
time you disassemble the chain. For further details on
these particular chains, including installation guidelines,
refer to the manufacturer’s specifi c instructions.
6. Bearings
• Check headset, wheel bearings, pedal bearings and bot-
tom bracket bearings
• Check all bearings are oiled, run smoothly and show no
signs of excess movement, grinding or rattling
7. Cranks and Pedals
• Check cranks are securely fastened to the axle and are
• Check pedals are properly and fi rmly attached to the
8. Derailleurs
• Check the rear mechanism is operating appropriately
• Check control levers are securely anchored
• Check derailleurs, control cables and shift levers are suf-
fi ciently lubricated
• If the gear components come with a separate, specifi c
manual, refer to this for further information
9. Frame and fork
• Check that the frame and fork are straight and intact.
• Replace if either is bent or broken
10. Safety & Accessories
• Check that all refl ectors are attached correctly and vis-
• For riding at night, fi t fully functioning dynamo or bat-
tery powered lights
• Check that the bell is fully operational
• Check all additional components on the bike are appro-
priately secured and functioning