Infl ate the tires to 50-55 psi (tires have schraeder valves).
Adjust the saddle height and positioning. Attach the white
refl ector to the handlebars and the (2) yellow refl ectors to
the spokes of each wheel. The red refl ector has a mounting
bracket which snaps onto the refl ector at one end and bolts
to the cross frame piece just above the rear tire (please see
the mounting hole in this frame piece) on the other end.
Proceed to our tuning section to fi ne tune the performance
of your melon bicycle.
The brake pads should be 1/16-1/8" away from the rim
(closer for faster stops, furtheraway for slower, more con-
trolled stops).Tighten the screw on the side of the brake-
housing clockwise to increase the distance and loosen the
screw counterclockwise toshorten the distance.
For safe riding it is crucial that your bicycle’s brakes func-
tion correctly. With use the bicycle’s brake pads wear and
the control cables stretch. Consequently, prior to every ride
the brakes should be inspected and adjusted as necessary
to ensure proper operation.
A bicycle should never be ridden unless the
brakes are working correctly. Take care when us-
ing the front brake. Applying it abruptly or exces-
sively may throw the rider over the handlebars,
potentially causing serious injury or death.