Driver Installation
Rev 1.0
Mellanox Technologies
Step 3.
In this step, you can perform two different functions: (a) Choose the desired port protocol
for the available port(s), and (b) activate or deactivate the WSD, ND, and/or SDP ULPs.
Note: IB
be always the first port in Port 1. If you choose ETH as your first port in Port 1,
then the second port in Port 2 can be only ETH.
WSD is not supported in Windows 7. Consequently, on this OS the WSD checkbox is grayed out
and cannot be selected.
VMware Driver
For VMware download and install the latest Mellanox OFED Driver for VMware® ESXi Server-
software package available via the Mellanox web site at:
=> Products
=> Software => => VMware Drivers => Download. Follow the installation instructions included
in the download package (also available from the download page).
4.3.1 Installing and Running the VBI Driver on ESXi-5.x
1. Log into the VMware ESXi server machine as root.
2. You can either:
a. Remove any earlier version of the driver from your VMware ESXi server machine prior to installing the
new version. Run:
b. Install the mlx4_en driver VIB package. Run:
c. Reboot ESXi server (The driver will be loaded automatically).
a. Update the driver. Run:
b. Reboot ESXi server (The driver will be loaded automatically).
» To verify that the driver is loaded, run:
» To query network uplinks installed on your machine, run:
The number of uplinks claimed by MLX4_EN driver should be displayed.
#> esxcli software vib list
#> esxcli software vib remove –n net-mlx4-en
#> esxcli software vib install –v <vib_url>
#> esxcli software vib update –v <vib_url>
#> vmkload_mod -l | grep mlx4_en
#> esxcli network nic list
In Non Multifunction Mode, port 2 is identified as a pseudo device. Therefore devices
are not seen by vSphere when added as uplink.
For further information on how to manipulate the uplink, please refer to
Section 5.3,
“Adding the Device as an uplink to an Existing Vswitch using the CLI,” on page 10
the VMware User Manual. See
Table 2, “Documents List,” on page 10.
Mellanox Technologies Confidential