background image

Filling with water (for steam ironing)

Setting the temperature

  Select the required iron temperature 

using the thermostat knob:



Wool, silk 






Cotton or linen

  Place the steam iron on its end, so it 

stands upright. Plug in and switch the 

power on.

  Do not start ironing until the indicator 

light (5) goes out. The indicator light 

switches on and off during ironing, 

as the thermostat regulates the 

temperature of the steam iron.

  If you turn the temperature up using 

the thermostat button, you should not 

start to iron until the indicator light 

goes out.

Steam ironing

Steam ironing is only possible at high 

temperatures. Do not use steam ironing 

when the thermostat knob is at position 

rom the 

soleplate, because the steam iron is not 

hot enough to convert all the water to 


  Check that there is sufficient water in 

the reservoir.

  Set the thermostat knob to the 



  Plug in. Start ironing when the 

thermostat light goes out.

     pressed, it is equivalent to setting the 
     steam ironing function to "off" mode. 
     Then there is no steam released from 
     the sole plate.

     original position. This is 

     the steam ironing function to "on" mode. 
     Then the steam will be continuously 
     released from the sole plate.


Dry ironing

You dry iron in the same way as you 

steam iron, except the steam setting 

selection knob must be in position 0.


  Always stand the iron upright if you 

take a break from ironing!

  Always iron synthetic fabrics and silk 

on the reverse. This avoids shiny spots 

on the fabric.

  Wool products (100% wool) may be 

pressed when the steam iron is set to 

steam position. We recommend using 

the setting for maximum steam, with a 

layer of dry fabric between the steam 

iron and the item to be ironed.


  Make sure that the steam iron is 

     unplugged from the electrical outlet.

  Make sure that the steam  

     temperature button is in position MIN 
     before filling with water.

  Fill water in the water tank through the 

     water tank lid, until the water reached 
     the max mark indicated on the side of 
     the iron. Never fill above this mark.

  Pour out the remaining water after use.
  Do not use chemically descaled water.


1.   Spout for water filling
2.   Knob for selecting the steam setting

3.   Handle

4.   Cord

5.   Indicator light

6.   Thermostat knob

7.   Soleplate

8.   Mark for maximum water level


  Remove the protective film from the 

soleplate (7).

  Some parts of the steam iron were 

oiled during manufacture and these 

will therefore smoke slightly when the 

iron is first used. This is entirely safe, 

and the smoke will disappear once the 

steam iron has been used a few times. 

Test it on a piece of material or similar 

before using it on clothes.

1. 2.







equivalent to setting 

Содержание 141-003

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Страница 15: ...ay as you steam iron except the steam setting selection knob must be in position 0 Tips Always stand the iron upright if you take a break from ironing Always iron synthetic fabrics and silk on the reverse This avoids shiny spots on the fabric Wool products 100 wool may be pressed when the steam iron is set to steam position We recommend using the setting for maximum steam with a layer of dry fabri...

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