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Instructions Manual
5 Stop
Slow stop function
・SLOW STOP command
・Detection of a match of the comparator of each counter.
・IN0‑‑IN3 signal setting the DALM input function, the DALM
signal can be used as the slow stop signal.
・Multipurpose sensor signal(SS0,SS1)
Immediate stop function
・FAST STOP command
・FSSTOP singal
(User I/O)
・FSSTOP signal
(Special‑purpose I/O)
・Detection of a match of the comparator of each counter.
・IN0‑‑IN3 signal setting the DALM input function, the DALM
signal can be used as the immdiate stop signal.
・Multipurpose sensor signal(SS0,SS1)
LIMIT signal
direction stop
・Immediate stop by CWLM signal and slow stop can be selected.
・Slow stop or immediate stop can be performed for each axis
upon detection of a match of the comparator(COMP2) of each
direction stop
・Immediate stop by CCWLM signal and slow stop can be
・Slow stop or immediate stop can be performed for each axis
upon detection of a match of the comparator(COMP3) of each
6 Counter
Address counter
・32‑bit counter that manages absolute addresses by counting
drive output pulses.
Pulse counter
・32‑bit counter that countes external pulse signals or
encoder feedback pulses.
Pulse differential
・16‑bit counter that detects differences in the number of
pulses by counting external pulse signals and encoder
feedback pulses.
・It can also be used as a 16‑bit timer.
Comparator function
・Detection of a match of the three comparators of each
・Upon detection of a match by the comparator, pulse output
can be decelerated and then stopped, or stopped immediately.
・Upon detection of a match by the comparator, output external
status signal.
AUTO CLEAR function
・The comparator of each counter:The counter can automatically
be cleared upon detection of a match of COMP1 of each
AUTO ADD function
・The comparator of each counter:If the couter value reaches
the COMP1, a value that is set by the data add to COMPARE
7 Other
Servo driver support
・The signals are specially prepared as servo driver suport
・Servo positioning completion input/phase
signal input
・Servo reset output
・General‑purpose input signal(DALM .etc)
・General‑purpose output signal(S.ON .etc)
Data reading function
・Current status information can be read in real time.
Current status information includes status data, count data
of a counter etc.