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7.3 Warning
For the following warning messages, please observe the comments made and restart the program in question.
If the warning occurs repeatedly please consult your specialist dealer.
Warning message
Cause / Remedy
Door not closed properly:
Press grip down until contact is made (display should then
show "Door closed")!
Cooling water switch not opened:
Check water inlet, open water tap
Check pressure of mains water supply pressure (if too low
it may be necessary to install a pressure booster)
Check if the motor protection switch has tripped (Fig. 1,
No. 11) (no sound from vacuum pump). Press button of
protection switch back down.
Flow monitor for the supply of distilled or demineralised water
has not closed (when filling the steam generator):
If you have a water storage container:
Check the water level in the container. If necessary
refill with purified water.
Check that the intake tube reaches to the bottom of
the storage container; clean the intake filter
Check that the intake tube is free from twists or kinks
Check that the height difference between autoclave
and water level is not too great (max. 1.5 metres)
If you have a MELAdem
47 water purifier:
Check the water purification system. If necessary
open the water intake tap. If the pressure water
storage unit is empty wait approximately 1 hour before
restarting the program. If the message reappears
repeatedly, have the water purifier serviced.
If the autoclave is being used for the first time or is being
restarted after a break then this message may simply be
caused by the fact that the tubes were initially empty - just
repeat the start procedure.
A c k n o w l e d g e
w i t h b u t t o n „ - “
N o s t a r t
p o s s i b l e
W A R N I N G !
D o o r p o p e n
W A R N I N G !
N o w a t e r
S t o p / E n d
0 . 0 2 b a r 3 5 ° C
A c k n o w l e d g e
w i t h b u t t o n „ - “
C h e c k
T a p w a t e r
W A R N I N G !
N o f e e d w a t e r
A c k n o w l e d g e
w i t h b u t t o n „ - “
N o s t a r t
p o s s i b l e
C h e c k s u p p l y
a q u a d e s t / d e m