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Maximum loads
Loads should not exceed 7kg of instruments or 2.5kg of textiles.
Mixed loads
If mixed loads of textiles and instruments are to be sterilized, then as far as possible the textiles should be
above the instruments and direct contact with the instruments should be avoided.
Inclusion of textiles and instruments in the same sterilization container is not desirable.
Textiles should never come into direct contact with the walls of the chamber.
If different types of packaging are included in a load, then:
Instruments and sterilization containers should be at the bottom
Transparent and paper sterilization packaging should be at the top (but lower than textiles)
The appliance is not suitable for the sterilization of liquids!
Suitability for sterilization
Relevant information provided by manufacturers of instruments and textiles about sterilization should be
strictly observed.
Closing the door
The door is closed by lightly applying pressure in the direction of the chamber flange and at the same time
pressing down the sliding door catch.
The display shows the message:
4.4 Program
A program should be selected which is appropriate for the physical properties of the items being sterilized (and
in particular their heat resistance) and the type of packaging (if any part of the load is wrapped, then either the
"Universal Program" or the "Gentle Program" must be used).
By pressing the "Program selection" button it is possible to review the display of the following programs for
Program name/Display message
at 134°C, 2 bar, and a sterilization
time of 3.5 min
Sterilization of all types of wrapped items, in particular
instruments, or mixed loads (unwrapped/wrapped)
at 134°C, 2bar and a sterilization time
of 3.5 min
only of unwrapped instruments
textiles) for rapid re-use (drying can be interrupted
at 121°C, 1bar and a sterilization
time of 15min
Sterilization of all types of wrapped items, in particular
large amounts of textiles or thermolabile materials
(plastic, rubber), or mixed loads (wrapped/unwrapped)
Prion Program
(a special Universal Program) at
134°C, 2 bar, and with sterilization time extended to 20
min, for sterilization of wrapped items, especially
instruments and/or mixed loads (i.e., packed and
unpacked). This program is recommended for
sterilization of instruments used in situations in which
the danger of infection by pathologically modified
proteins is suspected: for example, Creutzfeld-Jacob
and BSE).
U n i v e r s a l - p r o g r .
1 3 4 ° C w r a p p e d
Q u i c k - p r o g r a m
1 3 4 ° C u n w r a p p e d
G e n t l e - p r o g r a m
1 2 1 ° C w r a p p e d
Program Start-Stop
D o o r
c l o s e d
P r i o n - p r o g r a m
1 3 4 ° C w r a p p e d 2 0 ‘