SVERKER 750/780
Relay Test Sets
Make/break contact
Changes state automati-
cally when a test is start-
ed. Can be used (for exam-
ple) to synchronize two or
more SVERKER units, oth-
er external equipment or to
switch the voltage applied to
the protective relay equip-
ment back and forth be-
tween non-faulty and faulty.
Ammeter and voltmeter
Current and voltage are
measured by the built-in am-
meter and voltmeter. Re-
sistance, impedance, phase
angle, power and power fac-
tor can also be measured.
Readings appear on the dis-
play. These instruments can
also be used to take mea-
surements in external cir-
cuits. The voltmeter can also
be used as a 2nd amme-
ter (when testing differen-
tial relays for example, using
CSU20A). Current and volt-
age can be displayed either
as amperes and volts or as
percentages of a given cur-
rent or voltage (the present
settings of the protective re-
lay equipment for example).
Current source
Provides 0-250 A AC,
0-250 V AC or 0-300 V DC,
depending on the output
that is being used. Settings
are made using the main
knob. The readings of cur-
rent, voltage and other en-
tities appear on the display.
The start switch is used to
turn the current source on
and off. When time is be-
ing measured, this is done
in synchronization with the
Auxiliary voltage source
Provides 20-220 V DC in
two ranges. Equipped with
overload protection and sep-
arated from the other out-
puts. Used frequently to sup-
ply the object being tested.
Status indicator
The timer’s start and stop in-
puts are each equipped with
indicator lamps which, when
lighted, indicate a closed cir-
cuit (useful for detecting
contact closings/openings)
or the presence of voltage.
These indicator lamps make
it possible (for example) to
check circuits before starting
a measurement cycle.
Timer inputs
The timer has separate start
and stop inputs, and it can
be used to measure both ex-
ternal cycles and sequenc-
es initiated by SVERKER.
The measured time appears
on the display. Each input
can be set to respond to the
presence or absence of volt-
age (AC or DC) at a contact.
Start switch
Controls the turning on and
off of the current source
and timer. Can be set to one
of four states. ON+TIME.
Starts generation and timing
simultaneously. Used to test
over... relays (...means cur-
rent, voltage or some other
entity). Generation contin-
ues a) until the protective
relay equipment operates
and stops the timer or b)
until the maximum time ex-
pires or the start switch is
released if time-limited gen-
eration has been selected.
OFF. Turns off the current
source, whereupon gener-
ation is interrupted. ON.
Turns on the current source
in the generating state.
OFF+TIME. Interrupts
generation and starts the
timer simultaneously. Used
when testing under
lays (...means current, volt-
age or some other entity).
The timer is stopped when
the protective relay equip-
ment operates. When auto-
matic reclosing is to be test-
ed, SVERKER can be set
so that new generation will
start when the timer’s start
input is activated by the
closing command.
Computer communica-
tion interface USB
SVERKER is equipped with
a serial port for communi-
cation with personal com-
puters and the PC software
Tripping indicator
Lights when a stop condi-
tion is fulfilled to indicate
operation of the protec-
tive relay equipment. If the
test being conducted incor-
porates timing, this indica-
tor starts to blink when relay
operation occurs.
Main knob
Used to set current output
from the current source.
AC voltage source
Since the AC voltage source
is separated from other out-
puts, it is set independently
of the current source. The
AC voltage source is intend-
ed primarily for the relay
protection equipment’s volt-
age input..
Features and benefits
Set of resistors
Fine regulation of current
and voltage thanks to the
built-in set of resistors.
Start and stop conditions
The timer’s start and stop
inputs respond to changes,
voltage or contact closing/
openings. The timer’s start
input is also used when test-
ing auto-reclosing relays, to
synchronize two or more
SVERKER units and to
start generation with an ex-
ternal signal.
Presents time, current, volt-
age and other entities. Also
used to make settings, after
you enter the setting mode
by pressing button marked
Freeze function (HOLD)
This makes it possible to
measure voltages and cur-
rent as short as a quarter
of a mains-voltage period
by immobilizing the read-
ing on the display. Voltage
and current readings are fro-
zen when the timer stops. If
the timer does not stop, the
reading present when the
current was interrupted is
frozen on the display.