FRAX Software
© 2011 Megger Sweden AB
only active graphs are exported. Example: If you look at a magnitude graph, only magnitude
will be exported, if Magnitude and Phase is visible, both Magnitude and Phase will be
exported. If you select to export magnitude and phase the selected view is not important.
Select suitable export details and press OK. The csv format has two alternative formats
1. Number decimal = . (point) and Column separator = , (comma) or
2. Number decimal = , (comma) and column separator = ; (semi-colon).
Doble export
The Doble export exports the data of the currently selected sweep to a Doble .sfra file. Make
sure you select the sweep you want to export as only that sweep will be exported.
Import... (Alt+I)
It is possible to load files in various file formats. Among others, XML (e.g. Test1.sfra) and CSV
(e.g. Test2.csv) formatted files from several vendors are supported. The software tries to
automatically detect the file format when "All supported files" is selected in the File type list.
You can also manually select the file format you are about to import in this list.
When importing from Doble and Omicron files the available information will also be
displayed in the nameplate. Omicron import will also use the same curve color and thickness
as in the Omicron file. Depending on computer capacity importing a file may take some time.
The Frameworx CSV import requires that the sweep data is structured as a valid CSV file. The
first column of the first row should be named "Frequency" and the rest of the first row
should be the name of the sweeps. The rest of the rows should be first the frequency, then
the magnitude of the different sweeps. For example:
"Frequency","U-O (BT shorted)"),"V-O (BT shorted)","W-O (BT shorted)"
and so on.
Print... (Ctrl+P)
Makes a simple direct to printer print-out for field use. The print out will be of the currently
selected tab, i.e. if you have the magnitude graph view tab selected the print-out will contain
the magnitude curve. The print-out will also contain a simple list of the nameplate data. The
print out of nameplate data will be in English only. For more advanced reports with more
options to format the output we suggest that you either use the report function or use the
copy functions, i.e. copy view, copy legend and copy view + legend to copy a screen dump to
the clipboard and then paste them into the program of your choice.
Note that the FRAX150 only supports the Pentax PocketJet 3 Thermal Single Sheet printer aka
Brother PocketJet 3 USB printer. Megger part number 36493.