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Access Point (AP), Wireless AP
Also known as a base station, this is an electronic device
that functions as an interface for wireless communications
devices. End devices make a radio connection to the
wireless access point via a wireless adapter. The access
point can also be connected by cable to a permanently
installed communications network.
Operating system
Software via which the user and the other software
installed on the system can communicate with the
computer hardware and the hard drive.
The basic service set identification (BSSID) corresponds
to the MAC address of the wireless access point.
Client mode
Client mode is an operating mode of a wireless access
point (here: the WiFi Range Extender) in which the
device behaves like a wireless adaptor towards the higher
level AP. Via an AP operated in client mode, individual
computers can be connected to a higher level network
without their own wireless adaptor.
DHCP – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
A protocol to assign an IP address to devices in the
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29.08.2012 09:09:29
29.08.2012 09:09:29