Using the silicone adapter
When opening the package, you should find BEATY correctly
inserted into the silicone adapter-
BEATY’s bottom part (silicon
cushion with embedded symbols) is seen on the open part of
the silicon adapter. This is the component that comes in direct
contact with patient’s
chest (See fig. 1 next page).
You can use BEATY with or without the adapter.
Extracting BEATY from the silicone adapter-
Hold the silicon adapter using both hands with upper
part facing up.
Apply pressure on the middle of the silicon adapter,
using both thumbs.
The device should easily come
out from the other side (See fig. 2 next page).
Use the device according to instructions (Page 10;
Section 2)
Inserting BEATY into the silicone adapter-
Hold the silicon adapter with hollow part facing up.
Align BEATY according to the silicon adapter using
buzzer output and keychain holes as reference points
(See arrows in fig. 1 next page). NOTE
that BEATY’s
bottom part (silicon cushion with embedded symbols)
should also face upwards.
Use the device in the same often as when using it
without the silicone adapter.
*fig. 3 next page describes correct and incorrect BEATY
position within the silicone adapter.