Q: When should I start performing CPR?
If victim is unconscious (does not respond to shaking or
calling his name), look for breathing or only gasps. If not
breathing, call for help and start compressing his chest to a
depth of 5cm. Beaty will help you perform effective chest
Q: What does CPR do?
When the heart stops from beating, blood flow to the
brain and vital organs ceases. Within 4 minutes the
damage to the brain is irreversible. Effective CPR allows
blood flow to the brain, preventing permanent damage.
CPR can triple chances of survival.
Q: When should I use Beaty?
Beaty should be used in every case where CPR is
indicated. As gauging the exact compression depth is
almost impossible, Beaty will help you by providing real-
time audible feedback when applying adequate force
during chest compressions.
Q: Do I have to be well trained before using Beaty?
Beaty was designed to be very intuitive so any individual
is able to use it in case of a medical emergency. A sketch
upon the device will guide you where to place it. After
locating the device between your palms and victim
chest- start compressing until audio feedback is achieved.
The sound provided by the device indicates you are
compressing effectively.