Since most crises happen to people close to us, BEATY was
designed to fit anywhere within reach. It can be stored in first
aid kits, glove compartment or can even be used as a key
chain. It's extremely easy for use and very affordable.
We believe in simplicity. We believe in accessibility.
We believe in saving lives.
1.2 Intended use
BEATY is to be used during CPR in cases of cardiac arrest,
allowing the user to perform effective chest compressions as
suggested in the current AHA guidelines. BEATY is placed
between rescuer
s palm and victim
s chest while performing
chest compressions. BEATY gives an audible feedback with
each adequate chest compression, reaching a depth of 5 cm,
thus increasing victim's chances of survival as well as the user's
sense of capability.
1.3 Contraindications
BEATY is not to be used in the following cases:
Children- BEATY is to be used only on victims 8 years old
and above
If there is no indication for chest compressions or chest
compressions are unlikely to help the victim