• Prevention and therapy of post-operative
and post-traumatic oedema
mediven® thrombexin® 21:
• Physical thrombosis prophylaxis in immobile
/ partially mobile patients - pre-, intra- and
• Physical thrombosis prophylaxis in immobile
patients with an increased risk of thrombosis
(e.g. current venous disease, history of deep
vein thrombosis)
• Prevention and therapy of post-operative
and post-traumatic oedema and haemato-
ma and for reduction of concomitant pain
mediven® struva® 23:
• Physical thrombosis prophylaxis in partially
mobile patients - pre-, intra- and post-oper-
• Prevention and therapy of post-operative
and post-traumatic oedema and haemato-
ma and for reduction of concomitant pain
(e.g. orthopaedic or venous surgery)
• Therapy of venous leg ulcer in immobile /
partially mobile patients
mediven® struva® 35:
• Physical thrombosis prophylaxis in mobile pa-
tients - pre-, intra- and post-operative
• Prevention and therapy of post-operative and
post-traumatic oedema and haematoma and
for reduction of concomitant pain (e.g. ortho-
paedic or venous surgery)
• Therapy of venous leg ulcer in partially mobile
/ mobile patients
• Compressive treatment of acute deep vein
Advanced peripheral arterial occlusive disease
(if one of these parameters is present: ABPI <
0.5, ankle arterial pressure < 60 mmHg, toe
pressure < 30 mmHg or TcPO2 < 20 mmHg on
dorsum of foot), Decompensated heart failure
(NYHA III + IV), Septic thrombophlebitis, Phleg-
masia cerulea dolens, Massive leg oedema
Take especial care if the patient has
Severe weeping dermatosis, Intolerance to
compressive material, Severe paraesthesia in
the limbs, Advanced peripheral neuropathy
(e.g. in diabetes mellitus), Primary chronic pol-
Risks and side effects
The products may incur the following, especial-
ly if handled incorrectly: skin necrosis and pres-
sure damage to peripheral nerves. If your skin is
sensitive, the compressive equipment may
cause itchiness, peeling or signs of inflamma-
tion. Adequate skincare under the compression
stocking is therefore vital. Please comply with
the instructions for use and inspect your skin
each day, checking that your circulation is opti-
mal. If you experience the following symptoms,
the compression stocking should be removed
immediately and clinical advice should be
sought: Change in toe colour to blue or white,
new paraesthesia or numbness, an increase in
pain, shortness of breath, sudden sweating or
acute limitation of mobility.
Intended users and patient target groups
Healthcare professionals and patients, inclu-
ding persons who play a supporting role in
care, are the intended users for this device,
provided that the persons supporting carer has
received a briefing on this from healthcare
professionals. Healthcare professionals should
provide care to adults and children, applying
the available information on measurements/
sizes and required functions/indications, in
line with the information provided by the ma-
nufacturer, and acting under their own re-
Instructions for use
Optimal care can only be provided if the
measurements are taken and applied correctly.
mediven® thrombexin® 18 and mediven®
thrombexin® 21:
The circumference of the ankle (cB) dictates
the size that must be selected. For the knee
stocking, the measurement of the calf circum-
ference (cC) confirms the correct size. For thigh
stockings, the selection of the size is confirmed
by the measurement of the thigh circumfe-
rence (cG), or this may indicate that an extra-
wide stocking is needed. In the interests of
better handling and legibility, measurements
for garments are given in whole centimetres.
Any potential gaps that may result from this
are covered by measurement and production
tolerances. The internationally recognised
rules for rounding apply for the measurements
(round down for numbers up to 4/10, round up
from 5/10). This was taken into account when
designing the paper measuring tapes provided
by the manufacturer.
mediven® struva® 23 and mediven® struva® 35:
The circumference of the ankle (cB) determines
the size that must be selected. For knee sto-
ckings, the measurement of the circumference
under the knee (cD) confirms the correct size.
For thigh stockings, the selection of the size is
confirmed by the under-the-knee circumfe-
rence (cD) and the measurement of the thigh
circumference (cG).
The products may only be used on intact skin
or if an appropriate wound dressing is in place,
and are suitable for use by multiple patients,
provided that they are cleaned in advance.
Contact with chemical substances (e.g. benze-
nes, methanols, salicylic acids in high concen-
trations) may impair the compressive function
of the products. Oils and ointments should not
be applied to the limb when compression sto-
ckings are used. Compression stockings with a
silicone top band can cause skin irritation in
people with sensitive skin (caused by perspira-
tion in combination with mechanical stress). In
order to prevent this, it is recommended that
the top band is repositioned slightly several
times throughout the day. If you experience
pain or increased skin irritation, take off the
compression stocking immediately and con-
sult your doctor or carer.
Length of time that compression clothing
should be worn and used for
Unless otherwise stipulated by your doctor,
you can wear the compression stocking day
and night in order to elicit optimal therapeutic
results. The compression stockings should be
changed as often as necessary. Under normal
circumstances, this should be every 3 days, at
the least. The compression stockings can be
laundered a maximum of 10 times.
Instructions for care
Launder according to the requirements of the
relevant Medical Device Directive and the rele-
vant national requirements for laundering me-
dical devices by regarding the following pre-
• Wash at temperatures of up to 95° C
• Do not bleach
• Dry at temperatures of up to 80° C
• Do not iron
• Do not dry-clean
Damaged compression stockings must be re-
moved from circulation and can no longer be
used on patients for the set indications.
The products must be stored in a dry place and
out of direct sunlight.
In combination with other products
A combination of mediven® struva® 23 and me-
diven® struva® 35 with mediven® struva® fix
may be a good solution for holding wound dres-
sing material in place, but this can only be exe-
cuted with the approval of the doctor treating
Please ensure proper and suitable disposal of
the used products to prevent any risk to
human beings and the environment.
The products do not contain any latex.
In the event of any complaints regarding the
product, such as damage to the fabric or a fault
in the fit, please contact the manufacturer.
Only serious incidents which could lead to a si-
gnificant deterioration in health or to death
are to be reported to the manufacturer and the
relevant authorities in the EU member state.
The criteria for serious incidents are defined in
Section 2, No. 65 of Regulation (EU) 2017/745
18 и mediven
Компресионен чорап с кръгла плетка за
компресиране на долните крайници, главно
за превенция на заболявания на вените.
23 и mediven
Компресионен чорап с кръгла плетка за
компресиране на долните крайници, главно
за превенция и лечение на заболявания на
вените и общи състояния с отоци.
Продуктът упражнява градуирано
(намаляващо от долу нагоре) налягане върху
• Физическа профилактика на тромбози при
обездвижени пациенти – преди, по време
и след операция
• Превенция и терапия на отоци след
операции и след травми
• Физическа профилактика на тромбози при
обездвижени / частично обездвижени
пациенти – преди, по време и след
• Физическа профилактика на тромбози при
обездвижени пациенти с повишен риск от
тромбоза (например данни в анамнезата
за съществуващи заболявания на вените,
дълбока тромбоза на вените)
• Превенция и терапия на отоци и хематоми
след операции и след травми, както и за
намаляване на съпътстващите болки
• Физическа профилактика на тромбоза при
частично обездвижени пациенти – преди,
по време и след операция
• Превенция и терапия на отоци и хематоми
след операции и след травми, както и за
намаляване на съпътстващите болки
(например при ортопедични хирургични
интервенции или венозни хирургични
• Терапия на образуване на венозни рани и
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