8.4.1 SpO2
Blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) refers to the percentage of blood oxygen-bound hemoglobin
(HbO2) in the total binding hemoglobin (Hb, hemoglobin concentration), which is an important
physiological parameter of respiratory circulation;
Spo2 alarming high limit value "---" means no ultra-high limit alarming value; SpO2 alarming
low limit value "90" means ultra- low limit alarming value;
If the measured Spo2 value is higher than the high limit value, the measured value turns
yellow, triggering an medium-level alarm;
If the measured Spo2 value is lower than the low limit value, the measured value turns red,
triggering an high-level alarm.
8.4.2 PR
Shows the number of beats of pulse per minute under normal measurement;
PR alarming high limit value "150" indicates the ultra-high limit alarming value; PR alarming
low limit value "50" indicates the ultra-low limit alarming value;
If the measured pulse rate value is higher than the high limit value, the measured value turns
red, triggering an high-level alarm;
If the measured pulse rate value is lower than the low limit value, the measured value turns
red, triggering an high-level alarm.
8.4.3 PI
Shows current blood flow perfusion capacity under normal measurement conditions.
8.4.4 Bar graph display area
Pulse amplitude indication under normal measurement.
8.4.5 Plethysmographic display area
Demonstrate pulse fluctuations under normal measurement.
8.4.6 Module Status Display Area
Display animal information under normal conditions, such as: ID: 01 gender Male Age 28;
Display the status of the module under abnormal measurement, such as: "The probe is not
connected", "The probe fault", etc.
8.4.7 Date display area
Display the current date of the device.
8.4.8 Time display area
Display the current time of the device.
8.4.9 Battery display area
Display the remaining battery power, there is a low battery prompt;
If it is less than 3.65V, the battery symbol will turn red to indicate low battery;
If it is less than 3.3V, it will automatically shut down.
8.4.10 Blood oxygen pulse rate trend graph display area
Choose to show trends in blood oxygen and pulse rate for different periods of time.
(1) The normal update period of the data is 1 second, and the invalid value is displayed if the data
is not updated for more than 30 seconds.
(2) The influence of other signal processing on the display and transmission of parameters is
within 1 second.
8.4 Explanation of measurement results
Figure 12
9 Alarming system
(1) alarming signal generated by alarming system is divided into visual alarming signal and
auditory alarming signal.
(2) the visual alarming signal has indicator light alarming indication and display text alarming
(3) the alarming system is divided into three levels: high-level, medium-level, and low-level
alarms, and the alarming level cannot be changed.
(4) in addition, the alarming system also provides prompt information.
(5) the maximum delay time of the alarming system is less than 2 seconds.
9.1 Overview
There are different between using a pulse carbon oximeter sensor and pulse oximeter sensor will
be different.
After entering the setup interface,
Audible alarm: The alarming sound is not broadcast after the alarming sound is broadcast.
The text displaying alarm: it is not displayed because it enters the setting interface.
Indicator alarm: always prompt the latest, highest priority alarm before entering the setup
interface and no longer update.
9.2 Precautions
● The improper use of Probe;
● An important indicator of hemoglobin dysfunction (such as carbonaceous hemoglobin or
● Intravascular staining exceeding the standard, such as indole cyan green or methylene blue;
● Strong ambient light such as surgical lights (especially Xenon lamps), bilirubin lamps,
fluorescent lamps, infrared light;
● High frequency electrosurgical equipment and defibrillators;
● Rhythmic beating of vein;
● Tight Spo2 sensor;
● Low perfusion index.
8.5 The inaccurate measurement results may be due to
please use the attachment recommended in this manual(see attached list).
8.6 Warning
After the measurement is over, turn off the instrument.
8.7 End of measurement
Appendix alarming indicator
characteristics; Appendix
alarming sound characteristics;
Display text alarming indication
"Probe is not connected".
The screen
"The probe is
not connected"
Probe is not
Appendix alarming indicator
characteristics; Appendix
alarming sound characteristics;
Display text alarming indication
“Probe current is too large".
The screen
"The probe is
current is too
Probe current
is too large
Appendix alarming indicator
characteristics; Appendix
alarming sound characteristics;
Display text alarming indication
"Probe fault".
The screen
"The probe
Probe fault
See the following table:
Host uses