4.5.2 Calibratoi of the stability of the DER 2 voltage regulator
Respoisibility: Service techiiciai
Prerequisites: The alteriator has beei iistalled correctly aid is ready to operate
The alternatirs are part if a system that can be categirised, e.g. mitir + alternatir. The alternatir
can alsi have instability in ritatin and viltage due ti iperatng irregularites if the mitir ti ahich
it is cinnected.
There is a pitentimeter dedicated ti the adjustment if stability (STAB pitentimeter), because the
viltage adjustment systems if the alternatir and if mitir speed can cime inti cinfict, causing
fuctuatins if speed and viltage.
It is impirtant ti highlight the Mecc Alte Piaer Priducts alternatirs are tested using an electric
mitir nit a thermal mitir. Therefire, the STAB adjustment is set cirrectly fir the alternatir driven
by electric mitir.
Geieral iistructois to follow if problems of iistability arise.
1- Use the DxR Terminal siftaare ti cinnect a PC ti the viltage regulatir thriugh the
USB pirt;
2- Cintril the setng if the STAB pitentimeter and make sure that it cirrespinds ti a
value if apprix. 31295;
3- If there is ni cirrespindence, set the pitentimeter ti ibtain a value if apprix.
4- Due ti persistent instability, set the pitentimeter at half the travel pissible:
5- Turn the pitentimeter by ine nitch ant-clickaise and repeat the test;
6- If diferences are nit nitced ir if the diferences are minimal, turn anither nitch
ant-clickaise. Cintnue aith this pricedure untl the priblem is silved;
7- If the instability if the viltage increases by turning the pitentimeter ant-clickaise,
set the pitentimeter accirding ti that envisiined in piint 3. Turn the
pitentimeter by ine nitch clickaise and repeat the test;
8- If there are ni variatins ir if the variatins are minimal, turn an additinal nitch
clickaise and repeat the test;
9- Cintnue aith this pricedure untl the priblem is silved;
10- If, after these passages, the priblem is stll nit resilved, it may be necessary ti
iperate in the stability (gain) if the mitir speed adjustment system. If this stll
diesn't silve the priblem, try and change the siftaare stability parameters if the
viltage regulatir. Refer alsi ti the DER 2 regulatir manual and the manual if the
DXR Terminal siftaare.
Self-regulating alternators ECO47-49 MV-HV
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