Technical Manual Glass Room Temp. Contr. SCN-RT1Gx.01
MDT technologies GmbH •
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40 Operating mode - Comfort
The operating mode comfort is the reference mode of the controller. The temperature reduction at
the operating modes night and standby refer to the setpoint of the comfort mode. When a room is
used, the operating
ode o fo t should e a ti ated. The o figu ed setpoi t, the asi o fo t
setpoint, is valid for the heating process if the controller was set as heating & cooling (described at
6.3.7 Dead zone).
The chart shows the relevant 1-Bit communication object:
Mode comfort
1 Bit
Activation of the operating mode comfort
Table 23: Communication object operating mode comfort Operating mode - Night
The operating mode night shall cause a significant decrement of the temperature, for example at
night or at the weekend. The reduction can be programmed freely and refers to the basic comfort
setpoint. If you have programmed a reduction of 5K and a basic comfort setpoint of 21°C, the
setpoint for the night mode will be 16°C.
The chart shows the relevant 1-Bit communication object:
Mode night
1 Bit
Activation of the operating mode night
Table 24: Communication object operating mode night Operating mode - Standby
When nobody is in the room, the operating mode standby is used. This operating mode shall cause a
low reduction of the temperature. So the room can be heated up fast again.
The value for the reduction can be programmed freely and refers to basic comfort setpoint. If you
have adjusted a reduction of 2K and a basic comfort setpoint of 21°C, the setpoint for the operating
mode standby will be 19°C.
The standby mode cannot be activated by a certain communication object. It gets activated, when all
operating modes are switched off. Operating mode - Frost/Heat protection
The operating mode frost protection gets activated, when the controller type was set as heating. The
heat protection gets activated, when the controller type was set as cooling. When the controller type
is set to heating and cooling, the combined operating mode frost-/ heat protection is activated.
This operating mode causes an automatically switch on of heating or cooling, when a parameterized
is exceeded or the temperature falls below a parameterized temperature. At this operating mode,
the temperature is set as absolute value. You should activate this function if you are longer absent
and the temperature must not fall below a specific value or exceed a specific value.
The chart shows the relevant 1-Bit communication objects:
Length Usage
Mode frost protection
1 Bit
Activation of the operating mode frost protection
Mode heat protection
1 Bit
Activation of the operating mode heat protection
Mode frost/heat protection
1 Bit
Activation of the operating mode frost/heat
Table 25: Communication object operating mode frost/heat protection