MDT Temperature Controller
MDT Temperature Controller MDRC 6-fold
MDT Temperature Controller / Sensor surface mounted 6-fold
Temperature Controller 6-fold 2TE REG
Controller / Sensor 6-fold
Surface mounted, to use PT1000 sensors up to 12m cable length
Accessories SCN-RT6AP.001
Sensor Standard
PT1000 sleeve probe with 3 m cable
Sensor strap on installation
PT1000 sleeve probe with 3 m cable
Sensor ceiling installation
PT1000 probe for ceiling installation
• Integrated temperature controller (PI,Two-position, PWM)
• Limit values min/max
• Frost protection alarm
• Memory for min/max value
• Cyclical sending of contact state programmable
• Day-, night- and frost protection operation
• HVAC object and 1bit object to choose operation mode
• RHCC status and bit/byte objects to declare status
• Desired value can be given by visualisation, e.g.
MDT VisuControl
• Integrated bus coupling unit
• 3 years warranty
The MDT Temperature Controller is used for all purpose temperature control applications. The temperature is received as an
KNX object, additionally the SCN-RT6AP.01 can manage up to 6 PT 1000 temperature sensors. Depending on the adjusted
parameters of the Temperature controller the actuating value is sent as 1-bit or 1-byte variable to the bus.
The characteristic of the Temperature Controller (Two-position, PI and PWM control) can be set in the ETS3/4.
The thermostat stores the minimum and maximum temperature and releases an alarm telegram if the temperature differs
from the programmed limit values.
The temperature of the frost protection is parameterizable. The desired value can be given by MDT VisuControl touchpanel
or the MDT pushbuttons.
The Temperature Controller Actuator REG is a modular installation device for fixed installation in dry rooms. It fits on DIN
35mm rails in power distribution boards or closed compact boxes. The Temperature Controller Actuator AP is a surface
mounted device, the maximum length of the PT1000 temperature sensors should not exceed 12m. Both Temperature
Controllers are for fixed installations in dry rooms.
For project design and commissioning of the Temperature Controllers it is recommended to use the ETS3f/ETS4 or later.
Please download the application software at www.mdt.de\downloads.
• production in Germany, certified according to ISO 9001
• modern design
• fully compatible to all KNX/EIB devices
MDT technologies GmbH
51766 Engelskirchen
Papiermühle 1
Tel.: + 49 - 2263 - 880
Fax: + 49 - 2263 - 4588
Stand: 1011
TAW Cert