Installation and use
Kg distributed) simply by holding down the
key for more than <3> seconds
with the total to be zeroed out on the display.
The same key can be used to reload
totals with the Kg set on the “U”
parameter: this can be done only when the display is showing the remaining
For example: programming “U” = 500, when the tank is reloaded with 500
Kg of product, display the remaining kg (last arrow on the right of the display
) and hold down the
key until “500” is shown, i.e. the “U” setting
On AUTOMATIC, at the edges of the field being fertilized it is possible to use an
“edge” function via the keys
: press one of these keys to reduce the
amount of Kg/Ha in this sector by the percentage set on the “bC” parameter (see
section 5
” on page
25) and the key light comes on. Pres the same key
again to deactivate the function; the light goes off. The edge function cannot be
activated on both sides at once, so if it is already being used, say for the right side,
and you activate the function for the left, the edge function on the right is overridden
(it returns to the full distribution rate) and only the left side has the edge function.
On MANUAL the function is not active and the amount of product distributed on both
sides is determined by the machine operator.
On AUTOMATIC or MANUAL the value of Kg/Ha shown on the display is calculated
as the average of the left and right sectors.
if 300 Kg/Ha have been set, and the “bC” para
meter is 10 (= 10% of 300, i.e. 30
Kg/Ha), with both sectors at 100% the displayed value is “300”. If the edge function is
used for the right side, 300 Kg/Ha is distributed on the left and 30 Kg/Ha on the right;
the display shows the average, i.e. <165>.