MBS UBR-01 | Mk II
30 von 46
Data link
Link-Typ mstp
Network number
Sets the network number of the BACnet
network for the data link. The value is in the
range from 1 to 65,534.
MAC address
Sets the BACnet MAC address of the router
operating as the MS/TP master node. Values
range from 0 to 127, the default value is 0.
The MAC address must be unique within the
MS/TP network, but may be repeated in
other MS/TP subnets of the entire BACnet
Serial interface
Sets the interface of the datalink.
Baud rate
Speed (bit/s) to match the other MS/TP
components used.
Possible values are: 1200, 2400, 4800,
9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 76800 and
115200 baud.
Default value is 38400 baud.
Max. Master
Sets the highest MAC address for master
nodes in the MS/TP subnet (0...127).
Default value is 127.
Max. info frames
Defines the maximum number of telegrams
that a master node may send before the
token must be passed on. (1...127).
Default value is 1.
Token timeout
Minimum amount of time without a “Data
Available” or “Receive Error” event, that a
node must wait for a remote node to use a