281114 v1.3
Operating Instructions USi
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Polymer Electric
Adjust settings
Adjust Settings
The following settings can be changed with the “Teach In” button:
1. Teach in environment
2. Adjusting switch points
3. Logoff/logon sensor
4. Restore factory settings
Teach In: Teach in Environment
The actual function of “Teach
In” is to teach in the environment within the detection
eld. That is always necessary if there are additional objects (e.g. columns, contain-
ers, tables, shelves, etc.) in the detection
eld, which should, however, be regarded
as “given”. Due to the teaching in of the environment, accidental activation by such
secondary objects is prevented.
The “Teach
In” function is always available with a USi that is ready for operation.
The USi thereby learns the environment of all logged on sensors.
This is how to teach in the environment:
1. Check if all logged on sensors are attached.
2. Make sure that there is nothing in the detection
eld, which should usually not
be located there (this includes you and your limbs!).
3. Keep the “Teach In” button pressed down until the green LED “Power” starts to
ash (1 Hz).
4. Now release the “Teach In” button.
The green LED “Power” now
ashes faster (5 Hz). This means that the USi is in
the process of learning the environment. As soon as the green LED “Power”
ashing, the teach in process is concluded and the USi is ready for
operation again.
5. Check the result: Remove one of the secondary objects; the USi then changes
the status of the relevant outputs.
TIP: Cancel
. If you have already started the “Teach In” function, and the green
LED “Power” is
ashing slowly (1 Hz), but you do not want to teach in the environ-
ment now,
keep the “Teach In” button pressed
until all yellow LEDs "OUT" are
lit. When they are, immediately release the button.
Adjusting the Switch Points
With the preset switch points SP1 = 1
cm and SP2 = 200
cm, the USi operates
in operating mode 1 range: From minimum switching distance s
up to 200 cm
distance, objects will be detected that penetrate the detection
eld. If the detection
eld is shorter or longer, the switch points SP1 and SP2 must be changed. Switch
point SP1 must always be smaller than switch point SP2.