3.1 recommenDeD cleaninG TiPS
3.2 cHeck for DamaGeD ParTS
Do noT
use any equipment that is damaged or has worn or broken parts. Use only replacement parts supplied by Matrix Fitness Systems.
mainTain labelS anD namePlaTeS
. Do not remove labels for any reason. They contain important information. If unreadable or
missing, contact Matrix Fitness for a replacement at 866-693-4863 or www.matrixfitness.com.
mainTain all eqUiPmenT.
Preventative maintenance is the key to smoothly operating equipment. Equipment needs to be inspected at
regular intervals. Defective components must be kept out of use until they are repaired. Ensure that any person(s) making adjustments or
performing maintenance or repair of any kind is qualified to do so. Matrix Fitness Systems will provide service and maintenance training at
our corporate facility upon request or in the field if proper arrangements are made.
cHaPTer 3: PrevenTaTive mainTenance
mainTenance ScHeDUle
Clean entire machine using water and a mild soap or
other Matrix approved solution (cleaning agents should be
alcohol and ammonia free).
Check harness for wear and secure connections.
Remove the front cover. Check for debris and clean with a
dry cloth or small vacuum nozzle.
Lubricate treadmill running deck
lUbricaTinG THe rUnninG belT
Using a T-wrench or Allen wrench, loosen the rear roller bolts 10-15 counter-clockwise turns. This should give the belt enough slack for you
to lift it.
Lift the belt as far as you can and squirt the silicone oil in a zigzag pattern across the entire running deck surface. Use 1/2 bottle of 100%
silicone oil lubricant. Do not apply the silicone oil on top of the running belt. Lay the running belt down and then tighten both rear roller bolts
clockwise the same number of turns loosened.
3. Walk on the machine at a comfortable speed for 3 minutes to spread the silicone and to check the running belt for proper tension and alignment.
4. Wipe any excess oil from the sides with a damp cloth.